The Virginia Tech Sustainable Water Infrastructure Management (SWIM) Center is pleased to announce the extension of the deadline for WATERThe Virginia Tech Sustainable Water Infrastructure Management (SWIM) Center is pleased to announce the extension of the deadline for WATERiD Knowledge Database Founding Membership to 5 p.m. (EDT) April 1, 2013. This extension is in response to several companies and utilities requesting more time for their organizations to respond to this unique invitation to participate as FOUNDING MEMBERS.?????????
Multiple major consulting firms (i.e.,?Malcolm Pirnie ARCADIS, GHD Consulting, Black & Veatch) and technology providers (i.e., Reline America, Echologics, Applied Felts) have already submitted the contract to become Gold and Platinum Level Founding Members. In addition, Pipe Associations (i.e.,?ACPPA, PPI)?and water utilities across the nation are also submitting to become Silver, Bronze and Basic level Founding Members. Utilities at Basic level membership provide the same benefits as the Platinum Level Membership paid for by participating companies.
Founding Members benefits include:
- Full Access to WATERiD the most timely, detailed web-based information in the world regarding sustainable and resilient water infrastructure asset management.
- Discounted Rates for SWIM and UIM Conferences sponsored by UIM: Water Utility Infrastructure Management and WATERiD, for all personnel in the Member Company and utility.
- Discounted Rates for Online Certification in Sustainable Water Infrastructure Asset Management Program, for all personnel in the Member Company and utility.
- Discounted Rates for EPA Workshop of Training in Advanced Asset Management, for all personnel in the Member Company and utility.
- Invitation to participate in the annual SWIM Center?s Industry Advisory Board (IAB) Meeting to discuss SWIM Center policy and priorities.
- Industry Leadership Roles in the Database User Group (DUG) and VT SWIM Data Standards Committee (DSC). The opportunity for leadership in these committees will prove invaluable and establish your commitment to the enhancement of drinking water and wastewater asset management practices.
- Early Access to Research Results from SWIM Center Projects. Prior to public disclosure copies of the reports, papers, theses, and dissertations produced as a result of the SWIM Center will be distributed to all Members free of charge.
Please contact Dr. Sunil Sinha at Virginia Tech for more information at or by phone: (540) 231-9420; fax: (540) 231-7532.
Click here for more?information on WATERiD: