White House Announces Public-Private Innovation Strategy for Water

Last week, the White House?announced?a strategy to support public-private water innovation, aimed at addressing water resources challenges, particularly those related to drought. The strategy was announced following a White House Roundtable on Water Innovation, co-sponsored by the Department of Interior and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.

This strategy includes an aggressive two-part approach led by federal agencies to address the impacts of climate change on the use and supply of our nation?s water resources and calls on private sector and other stakeholder groups to help significantly scale up research and investment in water efficiency solutions.

The strategy is outlined in a report,?Water Resource Challenges and Opportunities for Water Technology Innovation. The report touts administration programs and highlights successes in water-use efficiency and research. The report also urges new investment to achieve cost reductions to foster the widespread adoption of infrastructure technologies. Technologies specifically mentioned in the report are ones that could help communities (particularly those in drought) achieve reliable water supplies, including desalination, conservation and reuse.

The Obama administration also announced a Water Summit on March 22, 2016, which will bring together water stakeholders from federal, state, private and NGOs to ?catalyze ideas and actions? to help build a sustainable water future through innovative technology. The White House is asking stakeholders to submit information via a website about commitments, activities and actions that will support the summit goals. Submittals will be considered for incorporation into summit materials and are due by January 31, 2016.

For more on the White House public-private innovation strategy for water, visit:

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