Technology Stream — February 2018

Editor’s Note: Check out some of the innovative products sent our way this month as we feature condition assessment.

Hydromax USA Pipeline Condition Assessment Technology (p-CAT)


p-CAT from Hydromax USA is a non-invasive, non-destructive, reliable and safe method of performing pipeline condition assessment while the system is in operation. Often described as a pipe-screening tool, this method can quickly test many miles of pipe to identify small localized “hot spots” over thousands of feet of pipe. p-CAT can be applied to all metallic, concrete and AC (asbestos cement) pipe. Please visit for more information.

CUES “Easy Grout” Computerized Grouting System


CUES offers a full line of portable, truck, and trailer mounted grout rehabilitation systems for mainline, manhole, and lateral joint sealing with the latest CCTV equipment. CUES “Easy Grout” system features a computerized graphical user interface that leads you intuitively through the grouting process, reducing training time and increasing operator efficiency. Contact CUES today for a free demo! For more info, visit or

IT pipesITpipes Web

ITpipes Web gives instant access to actionable pipe intelligence when and where you need it for powerful decision making. Included condition assessment systems with configuration options are flexible to meet your business needs. With unlimited drill-down filtering and querying on any or all data collected, ITpipes dynamically updates reports giving you on demand map visualization for your pipeline inspection planning and prioritizing. Web automates workflows with Cartegraph, Lucity, Cityworks, Novotx and other AMS systems.

ePulse Condition Assessment from Echologics

ePulse condition assessment – featuring Echologics technology – is ideal to understand the structural strength of buried pipe assets and optimize rehabilitation and replacement programs. ePulse uses acoustic signals and computer algorithms to assign a grade of good, moderate or poor based on the actual condition of the pipe segment. ePulse assessments identify the condition of both water distribution and transmission mains, while simultaneously searching for leaks without the need for extensive excavating or service disruptions. Echologics is a Mueller Water Products Company. For more information, visit

aquarius spectrumAquarius Spectrum Pipe Condition Assessment

Aquarius Spectrum is about to deploy 1,000 acoustic and hydrophone sensors in two major cities in Israel, after winning two leak detection and pipe condition assessment projects for distribution and trunk main pipes. Based on its AQS-SYS continuous monitoring system – Aquarius will help the water utilities to reduce the risk of pipe bursts by predictive maintenance using innovative techniques: leak development statistics and transient pressure wave analysis. The new technology enables the utilities to prioritize replacement of pipe segments by its actual condition rather than its age, and prolong the life of the existing pipes. For more, visit

national plantNational Plant Services, Inc., a Carylon Company (JD7 technology)

“Live view” pipe inspections can be an invaluable tool as part of a water distribution asset management program. The ability to ‘visually’ inspect water mains provides the owner real-time data, and can prevent water main failures and be used to estimate the remaining useful life of an asset. This advanced technology features live CCTV, acoustic leak detection, pipe wall thickness scanning, and a sonde for locating. All data is gathered while the asset is in service. For more about National Plant Services, visit

pure technologiesPure Technologies’ PipeDiver Condition Assessment Tool

PipeDiver is a long distance, free-swimming condition assessment tool that operates while the pipeline remains in service, providing utility owners with an easier and less costly alternative to inspection methods that require shutdown or dewatering. On concrete pressure pipe, the tool can identify and locate broken wire wraps, which are the main indication that this type of pipe will eventually fail. On metallic pipes, the tool can locate and detect areas of corrosion and cylinder defects.

PICABracelet Probe from PICA

PICA Corp. is pleased to announce a new fast and efficient service for the detection of H2S damage inside force mains. The new device used is called “Bracelet Probe” and works on cast-iron, ductile-iron and steel force mains from the outside (excavation required), to detect wall loss and pitting caused by hydrogen sulfide gas. PICA has also introduced a 64-in. diameter tool for steel lined 66-in. diameter PCCP pipe inspection. The 64-in. diameter EMIT-See Snake Tool is assembled inside the empty pipe and winched through to the next manhole. More than 200 sensors interrogate the pipe liner thickness as it travels. Write to for more information or call 1-800-661-0127.

envirosightEnvirosight Quickview airHD

The NEW Quickview airHD makes assessment easier and more detailed than ever by combining wireless tablet-based control, HD video, remote height and tilt adjustment, and hands-free operation. And with its laser rangefinder accessory, the Quickview airHD can also measure distance to defects with high accuracy to support rehab planning. Now more than ever, Quickview airHD is poised to become the front-line tool of choice for municipalities struggling to maintain deteriorating sewer infrastructure on limited budgets.

infosenseSL-RAT by InfoSense

Save Time. Save Water. Save Money. More than 200 utilities worldwide are using the SL-RAT (Sewer Line Rapid Assessment Tool), by InfoSense, to stop cleaning clean pipes. In three minutes or less, this award-winning acoustic inspection technology can assess blockage conditions in gravity sewers. Screen up to 10,000 ft per day at less than 1/10th the cost of cleaning or CCTV. Portable, no-flow contact, GPS enabled, EPA validated. More than 80 million ft inspected.

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