Post Tagged with: "Cleveland"

Cleveland Water Alliance launches ‘Erie Hack,’ as part of Innovation Summit

Cleveland Water Alliance launches ‘Erie Hack,’ as part of Innovation Summit

March 20, 2017 at 10:00 am 0 comments

Erie Hack has launched! The Cleveland Water Alliance is recruiting coders, engineers, data junkies and water experts interested in tackling some of Lake Erie’s biggest challenges and sharing in $100,000 in prizes as part of a hackathon-style program called Erie Hack. The program ends on MayRead More

NEORSD CEO Julius Ciaccia to Retire

NEORSD CEO Julius Ciaccia to Retire

October 20, 2016 at 3:30 pm 0 comments

Julius Ciaccia, Jr., has announced his intent to retire from his position of CEO of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, effective February 2017. He has led the organization since 2007. Ciaccia joined the Sewer District following a 30-year tenure with the City of Cleveland,Read More

City of Ciaccia

City of Ciaccia

December 15, 2015 at 12:00 am 0 comments

Julius Ciaccia woke up, got out of bed and grabbed the morning newspaper. It was Sunday, November 13, 1977. He was 28. He probably didn?t realize it at the time, but it was the unofficial moment he began his career in the utility industry.