NACWA Lays Out Clean Water Objectives for New Administration

The National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) forwarded letters this week to both the Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign and the Donald Trump Presidential Campaign outlining key municipal clean water issues the Association would like to see discussed by the candidates in the current election season.NACWAlogo

The letters highlight that, in the wake of the drinking water crisis in Flint, Michigan and the ongoing drought in the West, now is a critical time for a national discussion on the importance of water as a national issue. The letters specifically request that the candidates focus on three pressing issues in particular: water infrastructure investment and the importance of elevating it as a national priority; the challenges in many communities of ensuring low income populations can afford rising water and sewer rates; and acknowledging and supporting the remarkable innovations going on in the municipal clean water sector.

“The American people are ready for a more robust dialogue on national water issues, especially water infrastructure, and NACWA will work with both candidates to ensure this needed discussion takes place,” said Adam Krantz, NACWA’s CEO. “The importance of municipal clean water issues could not be higher in this election – especially given the developments of the past year in Flint and the continued drought in the West.”

The letters also note the important commitments both candidates have made to additional infrastructure investments and encourage the candidates to specifically include water infrastructure investment in their policy discussions.

“It is time to elevate water as a top national priority, and NACWA calls on the candidates to make sure that clean and safe water infrastructure is specifically named when infrastructure is discussed in the upcoming Presidential debates,” said Krantz. “We look forward to advancing these issues as the campaign season moves forward and with a new Administration in January.”

The National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) is the leading advocate for responsible national policies that advance clean water. NACWA represents the collective interests of America’s clean water utilities nationwide – and their clear commitment to America’s waters. For over 40 years, NACWA has been the clean water community’s voice in Congress, at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and other federal agencies, as well as in the media and in the courts. To learn more, visit

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