June 2016 Technology Stream

3M3M EMS Rope

Utilities can now easily mark and locate underground plastic pipes with the Electronic Marker System (EMS) Rope 7000 series from 3M. The rope can be placed inside conduit or installed with pipe in horizontal directional drilling applications up to four feet deep. The EMS Rope continues to transmit a signal, even in the event of a cut or removal of a segment. It has a long life expectancy, is corrosion-resistant and is virtually maintenance-free. The 3M path marking technology in the EMS Rope Series was specifically developed to assist utility customers dealing with unreadable surface markers, bad or poorly marked facilities, unlocatable plastic pipes, and aging technology. The location system does not require a power source.

AclaraAclara Acoustic Leak Detection with Remote Correlation

The Aclara STAR ZoneScan acoustic leak-detection system can cost-effectively identify, within a few feet, small, underground leaks before they become big problems. The loggers associated with the system are placed directly on valves along water mains and send data over the STAR fixed network to the utility, where web-based application software automatically correlates it and identifies and locates high-probability leaks. This approach simplifies acoustic leak detection, eliminating the need to send crews into the field for readings and providing the means to manage the process from the utility head end.

Visit bit.ly/STARZONESCAN for more information.

ADSADS Rainfall Monitor

ADS recently announced the release of the ADS RainAlert III, the next generation in a proven line of advanced technology rainfall monitors. The ADS RainAlert III is a wireless rainfall monitor that alerts operators via text or email messages when rainfall intensity exceeds a critical threshold. RainAlert III technology is designed for ultra-low power consumption, yielding up to a six-year battery life depending on modem configuration. The RainAlert III provides rainfall data acquisition and intelligent alarming to support wastewater capital improvement, operations and maintenance, and regulatory programs. Applications include infiltration and inflow studies, hydraulic modeling and overflow response and reporting.

For more, visit www.adsenv.com/rainalertIII.

Echologics-ePulseEchologics ePulse Engineer

For utilities with aging pipeline infrastructure challenges, the Echologics condition assessment technology is ideal to quickly understand the structural strength of buried assets and optimize rehabilitation and replacement programs. The ePulse technology uses acoustic signals and advanced computer algorithms to assign a grade of good, moderate or poor based on the actual condition of the pipe segment. This actionable information can be directly used by the utility or input to the EchoLife remaining pipe life estimation tool which provide additional insights into pipe replacement timing. ePulse is the industry’s first technology that can identify the condition of both distribution and transmission mains, while simultaneously searching for leaks, all without the need for large excavations or service disruptions.

Electro-ScanElectro Scan Low Voltage Conductivity Leak Detection

Electro Scan’s breakthrough water leak detection probe combines its patent pending low voltage conductivity technology with a high definition camera, pressure sensor, and acoustic hydrophone, to accurately measure location, size, and GPM of each water leak. Representing the first reliable, repeatable, and measurable solution for water loss leak detection in AC, PCCP, PE, PVC and cement mortar lined steel pipes. Accessing pressurized mains through fire hydrants, valves and flow meters to measure variations of electric current that flows through cracks, pinholes, joints, and defective service connections, in accordance with ASTM F2550-13. Integrated with the company’s CriticalH2O cloud application, results are available within minutes, not days or weeks.

MatchpointMatchpoint Enigma3m

Matchpoint’s new Enigma3m combines leak localization and accurate correlation technology into one efficient and comprehensive leak detection system. The Enigma3m loggers are deployed across the water network allowing for the continual monitoring of the integrity of the distribution system. This fixed-based acoustic noise logging system requires no above ground assets and detects leaks remotely using cost effective GPRS/3G communication, sending data directly from the field to the web-based software, PrimeWeb. PrimeWeb processes the data daily, visually highlighting and prioritizing areas of leakage, and equally as important notes all healthy areas of the network.

For more, visit www.matchpointinc.us.

Sensus_logoSensus ally Water Meter

New Sensus ally is the first meter in the industry with remote on, off and reduced flow capabilities built into the design, allowing you to control flow like never before. Turning water on and off remotely not only saves time and money on truck rolls, but also increases response time. And with the ability to reduce flow, you can minimize exposure of lost revenue. This game-changing meter is also equipped with pressure and temperature sensors, giving you more insight into your distribution system. Sensus ally is far more than a meter. It’s your partner in the field.

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