On June 24, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) released the first edition of its M77 Condition Assessment of Water Mains.
As infrastructure ages, utilities are increasingly challenged to maintain service levels while maintaining affordable water rates. Water main condition assessment helps utilities meet this challenge by identifying more precisely where money is best spent, leaving pipelines that have adequate integrity in place and preventing the unnecessary failure of others.
The manual provides technical information to aid utility managers and engineers in making informed decisions, along with practical information about how methods can be deployed.
It covers the benefits of condition assessment, how to plan for and build a condition assessment program, methods of condition assessment, strategies for economical assessments, and how information gathered during condition assessment can be best used by utilities in managing their systems.
“M77 Condition Assessment of Water Mains” can be purchased in the AWWA Store. The full manual is also available as a PDF download and as a PDF download and print set. The 216-page, softcover, manual, is $122 for AAWA members and $177 for non-members.