ASSOCIATIONS: PPI Welcomes New Leaders to Board Of Directors

The Plastics Pipe Institute Inc. (PPI) announced a new slate of officers for 2011 through 2013 at its annual meeting in Hilton Head, S.C. Gary Runyan of Zurn Pex Inc. was named Chairman of the Board, a two-year appointment. The team also added George Zagorski of Blue Diamond Industries as Vice Chairman, Carl Baker of Dow Chemical Co. as Advisory Council Chairman, and Frank De Alba of Chevron Phillips Chemical Co. as Treasurer. Moving to the position of Past Chair is Donna Stoughton of Charter Plastics Inc. Working with Division Chairs, the Executive Director and Legal Counsel, this group governs the association and oversees its business.

?The Board leaders are industry professionals who have logged years of service to help drive PPI?s mission: to promote plastics as the materials of choice for piping applications,? stated Tony Radoszewski, Executive Director of PPI. ?Their continued guidance to expand knowledge about the economical and environmental benefits inherent in plastic pipe materials and systems will have far-reaching impact.?

Runyan, who is Manager, Product Development Engineering for Zurn Pex Inc., a manufacturer of plumbing products, has nearly 40 years invested in the plastic pipe industry. Previously, he participated as Chairman of PPI?s Building and Construction Division, as Chairman of the BCD Technical Committee, and he continues to serve on the PPI?s Hydrostatic Stress Board, a voluntary industry group of professionals with expertise in thermoplastic materials who work closely to validate performance and define industry-wide procedures.

?Our industry is faced with three key challenges at this point in time to help rebuild our infrastructure,?
Runyan stated. ?One is price. One is performance. Another is technical. The PPI and our members are positioned to satisfy our nation?s need for all three. The products we produce are technologically cutting edge and improving all the time. And these products provide a very sound platform for cost efficiency and long life use.?

The Chairs of the five PPI divisions participating on the Board are: Corrugated Plastic Pipe Division: Patrick Collings (Lane Enterprises); Municipal and Industrial Division: Allison Crabtree (PolyPipe); Fuel Gas Division: Dick Kraft (Endot); Building & Construction Division: Christina Smith (Viega); and the Conduit Division: Jennifer Marin (Endot).

The Plastics Pipe Institute is the major trade association representing all segments of the plastic piping industry. For more about PPI?s programs and technical library, go to:

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