Post Tagged with: "City of Buffalo"

The Digital Dividend: How Innovation is Changing the Way We Manage Water

The Digital Dividend: How Innovation is Changing the Way We Manage Water

November 27, 2023 at 9:15 am 0 comments

By Tim Braun & OJ McFoy Utility leaders often dedicate considerable time to finding ways to close gaps. Between aging water infrastructure, the impacts of climate change, and limited budgets to pay for upgrades, the job is often about finding ways to “do more withRead More


Power of the P3: Buffalo, Veolia Partnership Results in System Efficiency

October 22, 2020 at 8:45 am 0 comments

By Keith Oldewurtel In the United States, water and wastewater utilities are managing many challenges, with the EPA estimating that addressing the nation’s water infrastructure needs will cost hundreds of billions of dollars over the next several decades. Faced with increasing water quality initiatives, limitedRead More

City of Buffalo renews water O&M contract with Veolia

City of Buffalo renews water O&M contract with Veolia

August 10, 2020 at 8:39 am 0 comments

Continuing a partnership that has led to greater efficiency, cost-effectiveness and sustainability, the City of Buffalo has decided to renew its operations and maintenance contract with Veolia North America to provide drinking water services to a population of more than 250,000 people. Buffalo’s contract withRead More