Certification in Training of Asset Management (CTAM) FAQs

FAQs: Course Contents

Q. What is CTAM?

A. The Buried Asset Management Institute-International (BAMI-I) created the Certification of Training in Asset Management (CTAM) program to increase awareness and train utility personnel on the best way to implement and use asset management to extend the life and efficiency of their water and wastewater systems. CTAM is an online educational series for obtaining certification of training in management of underground asset infrastructure.

Q. How many CTAM courses are available?

A. All four parts of this course are available.

Q. What information is available about the content of CTAM courses?

A. High level “Course at a Glance” subject area bullet points are available at this link https://bami-i.com/ctam/ to the BAMI-I website.

Q. How will these courses benefit Professional Engineers with years of experience in management of underground asset infrastructure?

A. Most State Licensing Boards require PDHs for PE license renewal. It is up to the individual to verify that the Board for the State she/he is seeking license renewal will allow the CTAM course certifications. Many PEs who have years of experience in water and wastewater systems have never developed and implemented formalized asset management plans. These courses are developed by industry professionals for industry professionals. Many of the course development professionals are PEs with many years of experience.

Q. What benefits do municipalities derive from participating in this training and certification process?

A. One benefit of these courses and certifications derived by smaller municipal systems may be related to the difficulty they have attracting/training/retaining highly skilled professionals to manage their underground asset infrastructure. The CTAM courses allows them to cost effectively train inexperienced staff. It also provides a basis to recognize and reward individuals who attain the AWAM and/or PWAM certifications. This system of training and certifications also assists smaller municipalities with the hiring process and pay slotting for open positions.

The principles and practices of water asset management taught in the CTAM courses are appropriate for all sizes of utilities both public and private. BAMI-I makes a special effort to emphasize that this material was developed with a commitment to provide value to the 93% of utilities that serve fewer than 10,000 customers. The course developers of CTAM-200 are currently assisting a large pharmaceutical firm with developing a comprehensive asset management program for their underground utilities that consists of steam, chilled water, potable water, wastewater, storm water, fire protection, and irrigation lines.

FAQs: Qualification & Participation

Q. Who should take the CTAM training programs?

A. Anyone can take the CTAM training programs, however, the AWAM and PWAM certification process is generally for the following professionals:

  • Municipal and Utility professionals who will be responsible for Asset Management within their utility systems.
  • Professional engineers who will be tasked with the preparation of Asset Management Plans.
  • Technical Service specialist groups and individuals that provide SSES, operation, maintenance, repair, and restoration services for water and wastewater utility systems.
  • Academicians who are involved with Asset Management.
  • Other professionals in the water and wastewater industry seeking to further their capability in Asset Management.
  • Leaders in manufacturing equipment and materials for the water and wastewater industry.

Q. Where and when are CTAM courses taken?

A. These courses are all online training courses. They are available to take 24/7. Some industry members have requested that these courses be offered through conventional classroom means as well as online. Classroom courses will be available in the future for all four parts.

Q. Do you have to take all four CTAM courses?

A. You are not required to take all four courses. Participants receive a Certificate of Completion and earn 1 CEU / 10 PDHs for successfully completing each course. However, BAMI-I REQUIRES that all four courses be completed before applying for either the AWAM or PWAM certification.

Q. Do the CTAM courses need to be taken in order?

A. No, each course is independent of the others but BAMI-I recommends that the courses be taken in sequence.

Q. How many people have completed the first CTAM course and how many more are currently enrolled?

A. As of 12/22/2015, 521 people have enrolled from 15 countries with about a 45% completion rate.

Q. How long do you have to complete a CTAM course?

A. You have six months following completion of the registration process to finish each course.

Q. How long does it take to complete a CTAM course?

A. It takes approximately 20 hours per course but it varies some based upon the knowledge and experience of the participant.

FAQs: Associate Water Asset Manager (AWAM) or Professional Water Asset Manager (PWAM) Certification

Q. Do you have to take all four CTAM courses?

A. You are not required to take all four courses. Participants receive a Certificate of Completion and earn 1 CEU / 10 PDHs for successfully completing each course. However, BAMI-I REQUIRES that all four courses be completed before applying for either the AWAM or PWAM certification.

Q. What organization awards the AWAM and PWAM certifications?

A. These certifications are awarded by the BAMI-I Asset Management Certification Board.

Q. Will either of the AWAM or PWAM certifications be required by any organization or regulatory statute?

A. Currently there are no organizations or regulations requiring AWAM or PWAM.

Q. Will any fees be charged for either of the AWAM or PWAM certifications?

A. The AWAM certification fee is $100 and the PWAM certification fee is $200.

Q. Will either of the AWAM or PWAM certifications need to be “Recertified” at some interval or are they “Permanent Certifications”?

A. Recertification has been discussed but no final decision has been made at this time. It will be required; however, the details have not been finalized. Both a 3 year and a 5 year certification period have been discussed.

Q. Is an AWAM certification and some sort of “post-AWAM certification” waiting period required before an experienced professional can apply for the PWAM certification?

A. No. If an individual already has the 4 years of experience in areas related to asset management, he/she can apply for PWAM immediately after achieving the AWAM certification.

Q. Is a college degree required to take CTAM courses and/or is a college degree required to be awarded the AWAM or PWAM certifications?

A. No. A college degree is not required.

FAQs: Cost & Registration

Q. What is the cost of CTAM courses?

A. Course fees range from $345 – $495 per course. The total for all four courses needed to achieve the AWAM or PWAM certifications is less than $2,000. The cost of all course manuals, exams, and study tools are included. The AWAM certification fee is $100 and the PWAM certification fee is $200.

Q. How do you register for CTAM courses?

A. Registration for all four CTAM courses is available online at https://bami-i.com/ctam. The link takes you to a page on the BAMI-I website that has links to each of the four courses. When you click the Course Details link for any course you go to another page where you can click a Register button near the bottom of the page. Clicking the Register button takes you to another registration website for the course which includes three sections: Registration Information, Contact Info, and Payment Page. These pages are not complex and can be used to register one or multiple people.

Q. How do you pay for CTAM courses?

A. The courses are paid for during the registration process. Acceptable payment methods include Visa, MasterCard, or Purchase Order followed by check payment.